Friday, November 11, 2011

Please, tell me what to do.

If you're not recruiting at all, you don't get to me tell me I'm recruiting for too any things.

If you already have a guaranteed job to go back to after school, you don't get to tell me how focusing on academics is so important because we're here to learn.

If you're from this country, you don't get to tell me I need to chill out, everything will work out.

Hell yeah I'm recruiting for too many things. My Outlook calendar for the past two weeks has not had any free slots longer than 15 minutes.

I need to improve my grades, but I don't have time to look at any of my course packs before 11 PM on any given night, by which point I am usually too exhausted to do anything at all.

The things I want to recruit for don't hire internationals, and the things that do hire internationals need you to schmooze and suck up like nobody's business. And that's just a tiny chink in my long list of concerns.

I spend every evening in some networking event or the other, where some moron always asks the recruiter about how important social impact is for their firm, or what initiatives are run for women. Can I please crib about how sick I am of these two questions? What is the recruiter going to say, we don't think these issues are important? Really?

I am sick and tired of people telling me to relax, because dammit, I need a job. And I'm doing what I gotta do to get a job. Stop annoying me and get out of my way.


sumantakru said...

I know you don't want to hear it but you will get a job and a good one. Give yourself a break. Study hard and do well with the academic part and the rest will work out.

You are not enjoying yourself which is your chief job:)

R said...

Too much effort for too little reward if you ask me. I will agree that firangs do not quite understand the x-tra stress that comes with not being from there/here or from having a rubbish passport.